Sunday, March 25, 2007

Wyoming MiniSeries #1

So as you may or may not have known, this summer my friends and I decided to go on a road trip to Wyoming to stay at Michael Patten's new cabin! Well, lucky for you, I brought my fucking camera. Here is a 3 part (most likely) series of our trip and what happened. The segments are about 6 minutes long and are edited to be somewhat entertaining.

enjoy episode one

few more notes:

1) Georgetown is the team I chose to win the NCAA tournament, so if your team is already out...please send your good vibes over to them. Thank you. My bank account appreciates it.

2) I recently attended a youth film exhibition sponsored by Comcast Cable and I was interviewed. The program is allegedly going to be available on OnDemand, so be sure to catch me bullshit a Q&A and mouth the words "Kill Me" at the end! Fantastic.

3) I am Holden Caulfield.

4) If I could be friends with anyone in the NBA, it would be Gilbert Arenas (note the "Gilbertology" segment)


visivo said...

Elko: Michael's complete loss of sanity.

Woo-ee. I love the shot of the guy's stomach. AND THHENN the part where MIster rubs her arm, that is my second favorite.!

Patrick J Nissim, save me from the purgatory of my dad's house!! Post more of these.

Vinney said...

that's brilliant! i always wanted to know what the trip was like. michael is hilarious, i love how no one listens to him

Unknown said...

haha, you got your carborator, perpatrator herbatrator, letterator...